On Saturday March 25th, at St. Clair College in WIndsor, Ontario, Cody Deaner will defend his Border City Wrestling Can-Am Championship in a triple threat match against former WWE Superstar Billy Gunn and current Impact Wrestling star Kongo Kong, with Scott D'Amore in his corner. "This isn't the ideal situation," Cody said. "But I'm crazy enough to accept it. And hey, I won my title in a triple threat match over a year ago against Kongo Kong and Bobby Roode. I won then. I can win now. This just means I have to crank up the giv'er meter past 10 to overload!" For more information on the event, and how to get tickets, visit the Border City Wrestling Facebook Page HERE - BCW Facebook Page. Other stars to appear are Colt Cabana, Hornswoggle, Moose, Shane Douglas, and many more! Comments are closed.
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March 2024