You've been waiting all week for it, and it's finally here ... Episode 8 of "Deaner Dynasty: A Day in the Life of The Deaner." This week, we are introduced to Cody Deaner's horses, affectionately named #1, #2, #3. We hear #3 might be his favorite. As you'll see in the episode, Cody can get them to buck on command. He also tells us of a majestic time he saw two horses during mating season and the beautiful moment it created. And, we are told of his buddy LeRoy, his incident with Cody's horses, and why he now eats out of a straw. Watch the show ... then buy the T-Shirt!
Have you ever been inside a chicken coop? No? Then you're in for a treat. Oh ... you HAVE? Well ... you haven't been inside CODY DEANER'S chicken coop now have you! Take a trip with Cody Deaner as he introduces his fans to a few of his fine feathered friends. He shows all of his chicken friends including "Killer Al," "Theresa," and who can forget "Shawn and Marty"! Cody Deaner tells us the importance of following his rules within his chicken coop. And, Cody Deaner tells us point blank how the Deaner Dynasty Estate always follows humane animal rights. Check it out! Episode 7 of Cody Deaner's hit web-series "Deaner Dynasty: A Day in the Life of The Deaner" is here! This Saturday Oct 18th, at the historic BCW "Excellence" event in Windsor, ON, Cody Deaner will be teaming with none other than "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner to take on Jon Bolen and Kongo Kong. Scott D'Amore has made it his mission to take out Cody Deaner. So, Cody decided to bring in the "big guns," so he brought in his "hook up" ... the man with the largest arms in the world!
For tickets, go to In one of the most anticipated Deaner Dynasty episodes top date, Cody Deaner finishes the tour of The Filthy Oar ... AND ... wait for it ... he FINALLY gets the blade of grass to start working so he can sing! Watch Cody Deaner sing us a song explaining the virtues of the manliest boat on the raging seas (aka small creeks and riverbeds) ... The Filthy Oar! Be sure to watch the video all the way through ... wait for the climax! Cody Deaner is available for professional wrestling bookings through the CONTACT page.
He can also be reached through twitter @codydeaner AND ... you can own a piece of the hit web-series that is Deaner Dynasty by owning the T-SHIRT! Buy yours today through the Cody Deaner Digital Merch Table! It's everyone's favourite time of the week again ... time for a new episode of "A Day in the Life of The Deaner"! In this week's installment, Cody Deaner reveals a secret ... he's not only a professional wrestler, actor, entertainer, and musician ... he's also a CAPTAIN! And not just any old Captain ... he's the Captain of one of the most prestigious vessels on the open seas ... The Filthy Oar! Be sure to like this page on Facebook, tweet this video to your friends, have a Deaner Dynasty / Tupperware party at your house ... whatever! Just help spread the word that Cody Deaner has a new web series out for his fans to enjoy.
You can catch all the episodes over at Deaner Dynasty TV by clicking HERE. Or, you can have all the episodes sent straight to you every week by subscribing to Cody Deaner's YouTube Channel by clicking HERE. Be sure to follow Cody Deaner on twitter @codydeaner and visit Deaner's Digital Merch Table for all of his latest merchandise ... including the new (and almost SOLD OUT) Deaner Dynasty T-Shirts! Cody Deaner is available for wrestling bookings through his email at [email protected] |
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March 2024